If you need any help or support completing our online application form, please give us a call on 01305 767690 or 01202 767696, we will be glad to help.

    Application for Employment

    Position Applied for (All fields must be completed)

    Surname Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms



    Driving Information

    About You

    Education and Qualifications

    Security Industry Qualifications


    Please give details of two people, other than relatives or persons residing at the same address, who have known you for at least TWO YEARS, whom we may approach for character references. Previous employers may not be used.

    Reference 1

    Reference 2

    Employment Record

    Give details of employment history, listing latest first, for the last 5 years or since leaving full time education. Any breaks in employment you must give details of the address of Unemployment Benefits Office to which you reported. You may be unacceptable for employment with this Company if you fail to produce a fully checkable work history.

    This section must be filled in - you can copy and paste your CV into this area if you wish.

    To that end, when filling out the next section, it is vitally important that you let us have the following information for each employer.

  • Employer

  • Employment Dates From & Until (Day/Month/Year)

  • Position Held

  • Employer Contact Details (Employer Name/Address/Contact Name/Phone Number/Email)


    Employment History - Most Recent

    Employment History - 2

    Employment History - 3

    Employment History - 4

    Employment History - 5

    Additional Employment History

    Use this section for details of any additional positions held over the last 5 years. Please remember to include: employer, employment dates, the position held and employer contact details (Employer Name/Address/Contact Name/Phone Number/Email).


    • If invited for an interview you will be required to bring with you proof of address (i.e. utility bill etc. within last 3 months) and photo proof of ID (i.e. driving licence/passport).

    • If offered employment, you will be appointed a probation period of 16 weeks.

    • I understand that any offer of employment will be subject to the satisfactory completion of my screening, which will be carried out in accordance with the current standard of BS 7858. In that regard, I offer to assist the Company in obtaining a continuous record of written evidence confirming that there is nothing in my background, which would reflect adversely upon my suitability for any proposed employment.

    • I understand that if I am offered employment, any misrepresentation, or failure to disclose material facts, may constitute grounds for dismissal and/or legal action. I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the information that I have given is true and complete.

    • I authorise the company to make a consumer information check, a record of which will be kept and maybe shared with other credit reference agencies.

    • I understand that some information I have provided in this application will be held on a computer and some on manual records.

    • I consent to the Company's reasonable processing of any sensitive personal information obtained for the purposes of establishing my medical condition and future fitness to perform my duties.

    • I accept that I may be required to undergo a medical examination where requested by the Company. Subject to the Access to Medical Records Act, I consent to the results of such examinations to be given to the Company. I understand and agree that if so required, I will make a Statutory Declaration in accordance with the provisions of the Statutory Declarations Act, in confirmation of previous employment or unemployment.

    P2 Issue 7 | Updated July 2019 | Controlling Authority: Management Representative.

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